2010年10月24日 星期日

Data-Driven School Improvement學校改善之資料導向研究

Traditionally, educational researchers have been the ones to proclaim various educational practices as either effective or ineffective. Principles of effective instruction are often drawn from large-scale studies.
However, teachers do not work in large-scale, static settings. They face unique sets of students who respond variably to different strategies. Hence applying academic research findings to individual classrooms can be problematic.
One alternative to overreliance on the findings of large-scale studies is for educators to assume the role of researcher. By studying their students, teachers can bring the academic findings down to earth, as it were, and discover what works in their specific classroom.
Susan Black (1996) equates teacher research to the work done by anthropologists or ethnographers. "They are able to observe the cultural scene closely...and create a research record of the people, places, events and objects within it, as well as their own personal interactions and responses." By using the classroom as laboratory, teachers can, for example, learn whether interdisciplinary teaching is as effective with their remedial students as with their high achievers.
Susan Black (1996)是一名教師研究者,也相當於是人類學家的工作,「教師能仔細觀察文化氛圍與創造人、地方、事件與對象目標之研究,並且能使其互動與回應於其中」。例如教師可將教室作為實驗室,進行跨學科領域教學與輔導學生使其成就自我是否有效之研究。
Research conducted by teachers differs from academic research (Black). First, academic researchers strive for objectivity, keeping the subjects of their study at arm's length. Teachers, in contrast, maintain a close relationship with the objects of their study. Academics try to design and control events under study while teachers observe activities as they occur in the real world, namely their classes. Finally, traditional researchers seek to globalize results while teachers know that their findings apply only to the students in their classes.
Such small-scale studies are often termed action research, because the teacher-researcher takes action based on the results of his or her findings. The research may be formal or informal, short- or long-term. But it is based on the understanding that the results are collected from a set of students and the action is applied to those same students (Calhoun, Molly Watt and Daniel Watt 1991).
這種小規模的研究常被稱為行動研究(action research),因為教師研究者的研究是建立在其研究發現上,此種研究可能是正式或非正式、長期或短期的研究,但是研究結果是建立在某群特定的學生身上且只能將結果應用於其中。
資料來源: http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-3/data.html

