2010年10月14日 星期四

Plan to reform headteacher choice 校長改革入選計畫

Plan to reform headteacher choice 校長改革入選計畫

They include giving parents a say in the advertising strategy for posts, and involving them in a long-listing and short-listing process before final interviews.
At the Scottish Parent Teacher Council annual conference on Saturday, Peter Peacock said: "I'm completely committed to the role of parents in the selection of headteachers and deputies.
週六時,在蘇格蘭家長教師年終會議上,Peter Peacock說「我完全致力於校長與各代表的入選上作為家長角色上的努力。」
資料來源: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4430752.stm

