National Standards for Headteachers
The key areas 關鍵領域
The Standards are set out in six key non-hierarchical areas. These six key areas, when
taken together, represent the role of the headteacher.英國校長代表的六個關鍵:
★Shaping the Future 塑造未來
★Leading Learning and Teaching 領導學習與教學
★Developing Self and Working with Others 發展自我與他人合作
★Managing the Organisation 組織管理
★Securing Accountability 確保績效責任
★Strengthening Community 強化社區功能
Within each of these key areas, the knowledge requirements, professional qualities (skills, dispositions and personal capabilities headteachers bring to the role) and actions needed to achieve the core purpose are identified. Whilst particular knowledge and professional qualities are assigned to one of the six key areas, it is important to emphasise that they are interdependent and many are applicable to all key areas.
Headteachers will attach relative importance to the actions, and add others, as they define the strategic and operational priorities within their own diverse contexts.
Effective headteachers are responsive to the context of the school and maintain an overview that integrates their work into a coherent whole.
Using the Standards 運用標準
The National Standards for Headteachers are generic and are applicable to headteachers irrespective of phase and type of school. They are intended to provide a framework for professional development and action and to inform, challenge and enthuse serving and aspiring headteachers.
1. The Standards, therefore, have a range of uses. They will assist in the recruitment of headteachers and in performance management processes. They provide guidance to all school stakeholders in what should be expected from the role of the headteacher and are also used to identify threshold levels of performance for the assessment framework within the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).因此,這些標準即成為一使用範圍。他們將協助校長的招聘與績效管理流程與指導,使其瞭解校長在所有利害關係人中所被期望的角色。也是英國校長資格檢定制度(NPQH)識別表現評估的門檻架構。
This document is advisory and is part of a suite of resources (including, for example, Schoolteachers’ Pay and Conditions, Ofsted Framework for Inspection; GTC Code of Professional Values and Practice) which inform and govern professional practice.