2010年9月18日 星期六

Prospects in Principal Preparation第三段

Prospects in Principal Preparation. ERIC Digest, Number 77.
Originally used primarily in the training of medical students, problem-based learning (PBL) is a promising strategy that has recently appeared on the horizon of principal preparation. Instead of lecturing or leading a discussion, an instructor using PBL presents students with a hypothetical situation (called a project) that is likely to confront practicing administrators. After exposure to theory and research on the topic, the class divides into small groups and attempts to devise a solution to the dilemma.
Edwin Bridges (1992), a pioneer in the use of PBL in educational management classes, identifies three major goals emphasized in problem-stimulated learning, one form of PBL: (1) the development of administrative skills, (2) the development of problem-solving skills, and (3) the acquisition of the knowledge base that underlies administrative practice.
學者Edwin Bridges在教育管理課程上是使用PBL的先驅,並確立PBL在問題刺激學習上之三項主要目標,分別為:
(1) 行政技能之發展。
(2) 問題解決方法之發展。
(3) 以知識獲取為基礎的行政實務方法。
Although the application of PBL to the training of school administrators is still in its infancy, members of Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University have already put a hi-tech face on the concept by creating a problem-based computer simulation called In the Center of Things (ITCOT).
雖然PBL教學法的應用對於學校行政人員訓練仍處於起步階段,但Vanderbilt大學的Peabody教育學院已藉由發展In the Center of Things (ITCOT)的問題導向電腦模擬操作置於在高科技的面項當中。
Designed to teach students to think strategically about instructional leadership and school improvement, ITCOT allots students $30,000 and 2,000 hours to address problems contributing to low test scores in a hypothetical elementary school. Students are supplied with a "knowledge-base" of thirty-three programmatic approaches to improving student achievement. To give students a taste of the complexity and uncertainty of actual school improvement efforts, the simulation calculates the costs and benefits of each strategy depending on which other strategies have already been decided upon and at what point in the process they were utilized (Hallinger and McCary 1992).

